It's no secret that I'm what you would consider a Low Maintenance Girl. I don't like having my nails and feet done. I have never once tweezed, threaded or waxed my eyebrows. I detest sitting in hair salons because it feels more like a chore than pampering. That being said- my time is running out. Part of the convenience of not being in the corporate world for almost one year was that I didn't have to fuss over my hair. I could leave the house with the wildest, untamed mane and no one would bat an eye. Well, the winds of change are blowing. I recently interviewed with a company that clearly values a neat and polished appearance...and I think the job is all but mine. (Stay tuned and I'll give the update as soon as I get the verdict.) Anyway, this leads to a new dilemma. I've gotten way too used to my freewheeling, natural style. Hair maintenance is

work! I don't want to work! Not on my hair, anyway. I'm just beginning to return to my natural texture without any sort of heat or processing and now I may have to go back to the neat look that I recently discarded. I've
mentioned before that I feel more like myself when my hair is wild and curly- and it's true. In the past year I've transformed into what I can only describe as a free-spirited 70's woman in style and mentality. I just want to create. Books, families, ideas, meals, poetry, etc. And I don't care what I look like while doing it. Well, that's not entirely true. I just don't care to look all "put together" while doing it. Contrary to what my
dear friend believes- I do not collect antique curling irons from Ebay. I hate rollers, blow dryers, hot combs and flat irons. Those instruments now resemble Medieval torture devices to me. So here I am on the brink of a new beginning career wise- and the crux lies before me. To perm or not to perm. To curl or not to curl. I don't have the energy. I just want to show up and let my work speak for itself- not my hair. One thing is for sure; part of the reason
my sister said she hardly recognizes me of late is because I've elected to go natural. This from the girl who visits the Dominicans for the bone straight blow-out at least thrice a month. Later for that! I haven't decided just yet what I'm going to do with all this hair, but I can tell you what
won't be happening. There will be no half bald missions À la Cassie any time soon. Wish me luck!
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