There is no beginning. There is no end. All that is left is this. Time spent. Memories. Shards of shattered promises that sting my palm as I wipe them from the counter of my mind. I've tried to sit and truly examine where I keep going wrong and I am remain bereft. The "psychle" was once how I heard it put. Quite an unorthodox way to say that the heart bends in cyclical fashions- where the mind is not allowed to follow. And now there is this. Only this. Lessons learned. Tears cried. Solitude taking a backseat while loneliness calls Shotgun. I haven't the energy to ruminate on why it continues to happen. Perhaps it's just how life is...or can be. Rocket Love, as Mr. Wonderful so eloquently sang it. Half a mile from Heaven and dropped back onto this cold, cruel world. The defeatist in me is chalking this up as yet another loss. The winner says I'll be back. Stronger. Wiser. Braver than before. A warrior of sorts. It begs the question: Is it all for naught? I hope not. I pray that I can digest this bittersweet slice of life that I so readily consumed with all that I was. There is no one to blame. We live. We love. We expire. If we're lucky, it comes in that order. No Pyrrhic Victories. Even the greatest loss can be considered worthwhile if it brings you one step closer to who you are supposed to be. But then again...what do I know?
Author's Note: Throwback Thursdays will return next week.
AAAAACCCCCCCHHHHHHH. Been there done that. MANY times.
"There is no beginning. There is no end. All that is left is this. Time spent."
Prosperity, Bug. I'm sure your extraordinarily interesting self will be just fine.
Luv All Day.....
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