Hola Peoples. I recently got an amazing gift for my birthday. Did you hear about
my birthday? It was great! Anyway, my friend gave me an excellent tool for self exploration ( And no, it didn't require batteries) and I've been making good use of it ever since. I would recommend that everyone pick this up for themselves. Whether it's used as an instrument for memoir writing or just a journal, you'll be amazed at how much you discover about yourself through answering seldom asked questions. You can purchase it
here. Don't say This Bug never gave you anything. Anyway- I've discovered a few random things I wanted to share, so get comfortable.

Sometimes, when This Bug rocks peep toe shoes...I only paint the toes that are showing. Sue me.

I cannot live without my Mandoline Slicer. What? You thought my perfectly uniformed Sweet Potatoes were cut by hand? Yeah right! Most ingenious invention ever...next to dishwashers.

I think the show "Snapped" suffers from a misnomer. These women almost
always appear calculated when they decide to rub out their husband for insurance money to start a new life with the best man from their wedding. They should call it "Trifey Wifeys"...I'm just sayin'.

After much ponderence, I believe my eldest sister would be a Koala Bear if she were to take animal form. Cute, cuddly, just eats her Eucalyptus leaves & doesn't bother anybody. Love her.

I am a Scrabble Goddess. Yeah, I said it. I'll hit you with a word like JUNKY and you'll never recover. 52 points just like that. BooYah!

When people look for new and creative ways to throw shots at me, I'm unaffected unless they directly communicate them. Water off a duck's back was never so true.

Perfect punctuation is sexy. Ditto for good grammar with a twist of street slang.

I'd pursue a career in teaching if I weren't so damn impatient about explaining things.

At the end of the day, I believe every woman is just a
Claire who wants her Cliff. Don't give up, Ladies...
lmao i only paint the toes that show too!!
I cheat at Scrabble and no one has ever been able to figure out how I do it and no I'm not telling. Just saying.
Do tell...
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