Stress is nothing new to me. I operate on Auto-pilot for the most part. And then with little or no warning, it catches up. Suddenly everything comes at me like a phalanx with military precision. I bear up, stiffen my chin, put my head down and press on- but sometimes it is not enough. Under the Wonder Woman armor lies weakness I am too ashamed to brandish. There is power in words. There is victory in surviving those times. At times I wear my heart, almost gaudily on my sleeve. For all to see, examine, appreciate and sometimes unfortunately exploit. The next time life slaps me down, I'll slap back. Matter of fact- I'll make it a closefisted blow just to get my point across. Although the fault is mine for exposing it to begin with, I will not change who I am and allow the world to make me callous. But I will persevere. I always do. Without indestructible bangles or an invisible plane. I. Will. Not. Lose. It's just that sometimes I'm Wonder Woman...and sometimes I'm just a little girl. It's all a part of This Bug. No apologies. No regrets.
Thanks for the inspiration and reminder of how WONDERful we women are.
Thanks for the inspiration and reminder of how WONDERful we women are.
Nice site. Please visit my site, too.
Greetings from Austria.
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