"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."- Mark Twain
I'm a Cancer. I'm crabby. I feel. I'm wayward. But I always know where I'm going...even when I don't. I'm tougher than most would expect and more sensitive than some can comprehend. Hard shell, soft center as the description goes. Recently, it was brought to my attention that people worry about me. They worry incessantly about my direction in life. I can understand. It hasn't been a charmed life by any stretch of the imagination. But it's mine. And I intend to live it. Every step of the way with smiles, cries, mistakes and triumphs- I intend to live it. It's a mad world and we get by how we can. We tell ourselves it can always be worse but fail to appreciate how far we've come already. Not I. While the worrying by others may be fleeting, I walk every day with what has become my lessons and trials. My victories. My pain. Pain is such a personal thing. No one can feel yours the way you do- and in turn you cannot feel another one's pain with the same intensity. There is no map because there is no certain destination. Only the journey. That is what counts. What you meet along the way, that is what counts. There's always something to be learned. I write these things to right these things. No stamp of approval needed. Wait. Did that sound crabby?
Yep. All you the same. Let the water take you where it wills......No matter what, You'll Survive for sure. Strong fortress to protect what's most important.....YOU.
Soooo....uuummmmm...I'm like Sponge BoB wit dem patties, babe! Link Me! 1
The journey is the reward - Chinese Proverb
Soups, do you live in a pineapple under the sea?
Cam- you already know... in your infinite wisdom.
Why, yes I do, Jayne. Please, take a dip & come see me sometime...the water is fine.....Wine, mine , Shine.....shit, I can't stop myself.
No, all jokes aside.....I really do. Check me.
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