Loud. Uncontrollable. Laughter. They probably think we're sauced. They may or may not be right.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."- Mark Twain
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you. ~Marsha NormanSo I've been napping a lot more lately and dreaming weird stuff again. Earlier today I dreamt that I was at a huge catering hall for some sort of reception. It was most likely a wedding. I can't say whose it was or why I was there- but there I was. The peculiar thing about the hall was that it shared a space with a funeral home. Oddly enough, guests that were attending either function were allowed to co-mingle with one another. While making my way to the bar for a glass of Champagne, I overhear two people discussing the weddings and funerals they were both respectively attending. As I walk by I'm thinking, "Maybe they should switch just to get an idea of what the other might be feeling..." Anyway, I find the bar in the far wing of the hall and strike up a conversation with the one of the four bartenders working. He looks a lot like the main dude from Party Down but I don't bother to tell him that. Instead I tell him that I used to pour drinks also. He cocks his head in disbelief for a fraction of a moment. Why, I have no idea. Then he pops open a bottle of champagne and I advise him of a pouring technique to minimize the fizz while maintaining the bubbles. He thanks me and then realizes he has no appropriate stemware for me to drink from. Why can't he just wash one for me?
"Just another helpless fool in love is what I am..." Teddy P.
"Come and knock on our door...We've been waiting for youuuu.."