I usually don't do this but I need a moment to rant. As I sit here typing this, my face is ballooned so disproportionately that I'm sure I can scare small children. Some of you may remember my reference to waking up looking like Slappy Squirrel during the Weekend Wrap-up last week. Well, that is nothing compared to what I'm dealing with now. After some excruciating pain at the dentist yesterday (the Novocaine didn't take, believe that?) I'm left with one half of my face swollen beyond recognition and a fever. I can barely open my mouth to eat, let alone speak. The up side? I guess I can kiss those pesky 5 pounds good-bye by the time this is all over. On top of this pain and grotesque appearance, my car is still not working properly. After months of reconnection with my cousin, I may not even be able to see her given all of the current misfortunes. Though it feels like she's a stone's throw away, I don't think it's gonna happen. This sucks. I freakin' miss that girl. I can't recall a time in my life that brought about the interruption of everything so swiftly before now. So yes, this is my complaint, rant, my official bitch-and-moan session. The one thing I can honestly say I am grateful for- is the love and support I've been feeling since this whole ordeal began. The kind words, the hand-holding, the waiting up in the ER, the meeting of my minuscule needs for Chapstick or a Strawberry milkshake- you know who you are. A million thanks. I know this will all be over soon enough. Until then...F*ck my life. Sure wish I had some Blueberry Cheesecake...
It's OK, love. We'll meet up soon. *hug up*
I think it;s the only thing people all agree on. The dentist sucks. I have pain in one upper tooth and I know that's going to turn into $1500 and homie dont play that.
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