Lately, I've been really pissed off. In the past few days I've done everything from curse out wack drivers on the road, snap at friends and destroy property that was not mine. I could chalk it up to good ole PMS a.k.a Potential Murder Suspect- but that would be a cop out. For some reason, I cannot pin down the object of my rage. And that bothers me. Right now, anybody can get it. So as an exercise in damage control, I've elected to leave alcohol alone until this ill-tempered spell passes. If not, it can really pop off. I can feel it. According to Nas- a glass of 'ze make a man Cassius Clay. If that's true then a bottle of Nuvo makes me Riddick Bowe.
I'm going to be honest here and admit that I'm disappointed in myself. For years I've worked tirelessly on controlling my temper. Mostly because I understand that whoever angers you; controls you. And I like to remain in control. Plus, assault charges are not a good look for This Bug. Counting backwards from ten just isn't working for me these days. I want to whoop somebody's ass. Plain and simple. I'll go one step further with the honesty and say that if I lose the fight- perhaps that will calm my hotheaded ass down for a second. Who knows? All I know right now is that I have a blood lust that seems unquenchable. Ah, what to do? Violence is not the answer. Laughter is the best medicine. With all these clichés floating around- maybe I should seek some middle ground while I ruminate on the funniest quote I've ever heard from one of the angriest men I can think of.
"I might just fade into Bolivian." - 'Iron' Mike Tyson
C'mon. You know you're smiling...
I would love to pummel some people myself.
Um..sooo...maybe we'll talk NEXT week..
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