Hola Peoples. I'm coming off a "weak-end" or should I say a strong beginning that started on Friday. After a strong cocktail of laughter, alcohol, pain, debauchery and Hip-Hop blended perfectly- This Bug would like to share a few things she learned about herself and the world in three entirely too short days.

Women are by far more outrageous than men when it comes to strippers. If you've ever been privy to an 'exclusive' party- read: no club regulations, you know what I mean. Suffice to say that male dancers probably enjoy their jobs a helluva lot more than their female counterparts. In short- I think they get away with things that are probably illegal in most states and a few prudent countries. Ever seen a chick get her ass lit on fire? I mean...literally. He had to be violating a few Fire codes during that process. My memory card is holding enough blackmail to set me up for life as we speak. Did I mention there was a midget?

Before this weekend, I never knew how much the sight of a 13 year old appreciating Hip-Hop from
my era could warm my heart. Seriously. I was touched. And this is not a passing curiosity, either. The boy goes IN. Perhaps the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all. Who knows. It just pleases me to know that that kinda love lives on. Ain't no Old Skool. Ain't no New Skool. The boy is proof that there is only True Skool.
"I used to live downtown! 129th Street." Next time you ask Young Blood, "What you know about that?!" give an open ear...you might be surprised at his response.

Everybody and their Momma will be looking for you at the party you committed to weeks earlier. So maybe you shouldn't drink so much at the
stripper party previous engagement and there will be no need to clone yourself or send back numerous "I'm on my way" text messages to inquiring minds. I'm just sayin'...

After two wisdom teeth extractions, there is no comfort in knowing what's to come. I woke up this morning with one half of my face looking like
Slappy Squirrel. I'm not sure if it was a reaction to the medication I was taking or how ineffectual I made it by guzzling Goose & Cran and few Jello "Shots" that were made in plastic syringes. (Don't ask.) But nothing compares to the real needle I will soon face. Yikes.
So that's my Weekend Wrap-up. Just a few things I took with me. And a few I'd like to leave behind. Did I mention there was a midget?
Photo Courtesy: Corbis
1 comment:
AYO!!!!!...I know I was suppose to peep this last nnight, but a dude was dun-off & knocked out.
I'm glad I didn't though b/c I would of woke the whole block up! lol!!!....
U are wild wit' it, Jayne. A Midget?!
I thought there'd be a chance of us hanging out sometime but I'm not too sure anymore. You might be too much for this homebody. ;)
Your wild night is reminding me of an old Tom Hanks movie called Bachelor Party. And there was a donkey & a transvestite there so I think i'm good with just the knowledge of the midget dancer.
Now HIP-HOP.........
Isn't it beautiful to witness that? It makes this music enthusiast feel like it REALLY IS that serious, ya know? Crazy to hear a child who wasn't even a thought during those times to walk past you lickin' off lyrics from "Warm It Up Kane" verbatim. You right & exact with that, Jayne.........only the TRUE SCHOOL!
Now the cavity creeper situation:
That flick of Slappy was effin comedy, yo! But I feel you, Nev'....the dentist thing get's the best of them. Other than me of coarse, but I'm a certified BEAST so I overstand how it can effect the common folk.
I must say that is what surprises me about you & this thing though b/c I can tell that you are one too to a degree. ;)...But even Superman had his cryptonite, right?
Well all I can say is that unless you wanna look like Chomp from the Goonies, ya gotta take care of your Jibs. So may the force be with you, young Padawah & make sure you get a lollipop before you leave the dental office..........the irony of it all, huh? l8r, J.M.
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