Remember back in the day when you went to the store with your Moms and she told you not to wander off or get on her last nerve. You just knew not to test her gangsta cuz deep down, you knew that your ass would get left. I thought this was limited to Black mothers only but lo and behold, upper-crust suburban mothers do not play, either. Enter
Madlyn Primoff. If you haven't already caught this on the news- you can quickly read about it
here. Apparently her two daughters were acting a fool, arguing in the car and she had had enough. She gave
both of their asses the boot and peeled out. Her 12 year old was
smart fast enough to run after the car. The 10 year old however- ate her dust and was later taken to a police station by a Good Samaritan. This is where it gets really amusing. This woman actually called police to report her daughter missing. Missing? Really? Why not call up and ask if they have a kid who didn't know how to act hanging around there? When she came to retrieve her child from police custody- she was promptly arrested for child abandonment and child endangerment. I wish I could say I fault this woman but This Bug respects her gangsta. Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. And I know anything could have happened to the little girl in her absence...but it didn't. I bet those girls will think twice before bickering too loudly in the car about some Jonas Brothers cd or a borrowed Ed Hardy t-shirt from now on.
Sidebar: Why does
her mugshot look like she's in total shock over why she's there? She should have kept it G; on some " Nah, I left her ass. That's right. One less egg to fry. One less bed to make. Deuces!"
1 comment:
I condone leaving children 100%. Nasir knows not to piss me off in the car. Once I pull over its every man for himself.
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