Florida Evans said it best. "Damn, damn, daaaaamn!" I have to do it. I'm calling out all the green-eyed monsters that lurk in doorways, at restaurant tables and gender divided club lines. Recently, I went to a function and bore witness to (in my humble opinion) the ugliest of the seven deadly sins. Why do chicks feel that they have one-up each other as soon as a dude is in the vicinity? I don't get it. There are so many subtle moves that would appear harmless to the untrained eye...mostly the male eye. But if you know them like you know your own face- it's easy to spot. A too long glance. An extra loud laugh. A sudden need to draw attention to a body part by absently running their own hand over it. It's really quite funny. It's almost as though the guy is not as attractive until it seems that he may have a girl with him. Then it's on to Operation: Make Him Look.

At the end of the day- confidence is golden. The women who attempt to set these snares are rife with insecurities. They seek attention. Need the validation. It fills a void. It's sort of sad. I can remember being out with male platonic friends and watching some females calculate what I was to the man in question. The minute they deduced that we were just friends- it took the wind out of their sails and they gave up their game. I guess they figured, 'Where's the fun in that?' . But I've seen it swing the other way at times. My illustrious stint in bartending made me privy to all sorts of crafty behavior. I'm talking trifling shit, People. As soon as Wifey walked off to the ladies room, dude sprung into action. Took the number, palmed the ass and never looked that way again once the main girl reentered the room. There would be no traces of that exchange for the rest of the night...but you knew what was undoubtedly coming later on down the line. Ladies, if this sounds familiar to you, remember what Fat Joe said. Jealous Ones Envy. It's not cute- and you're playing yourself. And Fellas, you're not special. Don't get caught up. She's just lining up the next one if you don't take the bait. But like Kellz & Jay said...

Well put Ms. Neverow. By the way the pic at the end is HILARIOUS. Power of the pu and there you have it.
Your either about your women or your not. If your not, your eyes is all over the place and its only a matter of time before shit hit the fan. if your about your women, u do notice other women trying to make themselves noticed, thats when you concentrate more on yours, let them know they dont have any ends to your casa..Lot of BS in the world..it will only come your way if your open to it..Shout out to the Power U's!!
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