All snowed in and everywhere to go. I hate this. At this very moment, there's approximately 8-10 inches of snow outside of my door. Yes, I am officially snowed in. Which got me to thinking about men and their usefulness. As a lady, if you have a "manfriend" who comes through on the regular and handles his business- is that all that he's good for? I mean, can he change your windshield wipers or that hard-to-reach light bulb if needed? Don't get me wrong. This Bug is very self-sufficient. There have been plenty of things I've done around the house for myself mainly because I live by the "Act As If" credo. The premise is simple. Act as if this help is not readily available and do it yourself. If the undertaking proves to be too great to do alone- only then do I employ the assistance of another. And this has been my train of thought for as long as I can recall. Before I ever had a car, I had every public transportation schedule known to man because I didn't want to rely on anyone for a ride. It's not that folks are entirely unreliable- I just don't like to impose on others.
But every now and then, a man comes in handy for certain tasks. It's nice to know that while he may be able to "lay the pipe", he can also snake the tub without you having to call Roto-Rooter and come out of the pocket. How's that for double entendre? Besides that, there is something sexy about a man who is good with his hands. It shows a level of well-roundedness. And if that fantasy was so far-fetched, there wouldn't be so many adult entertainment films that begin with a Handyman ringing the doorbell of some scantily clad housewife, now would there?
Anyhow, like I said, I'm officially snowed in. Do I have someone to do the plowing, so to speak? Well, I'll say this much- I can handle 8 inches, just not 8 inches of snow. So that problem will resolve itself soon enough. But seriously, Ladies. I suggest making sure that the man you have around can take care of things that are needed firstly- and can then take care of you. And if you run down your checklist of his skills and abilities- and find that he comes up short- that is a clear indication that you should learn how to do some "manly" things for yourself and/or sack Mr. Good-For-Nothing asap. (One last sack won't hurt anyone, right?) I'm not saying that every man has to be Bob the Builder and Lex Steele rolled into one. (You're gonna have to Google both of those references on your own if you're in the dark, by the way. No links here, Kiddies.) It's just that if he's not good at many skills- he better be good at one, feel me? You weigh it out. It's all about choices. And Fellas, now would be good time to cop a Home Improvement for Dummies book... just to up your stock a bit. That's my two copper coins on this matter.
I enjoyed this... even though it didn't apply... I hope some sisters take heed.
I am now picturing Idris Elba walking into my front door to do "double-duty"
A little manual labor goes a long way..Bob the Builder and Lex Steele, you crazy..
Umm, did I mention that I'm in BOCES now for plumbing? Yep, that's right......plumbing. So if you need your............
ah man, I can't even do it. You know where my corny, pick-up line having ass is going with this. lol
Nah, I'm not in Boces for plumbing but me & Lex Steel do have a thing or two in common.......& it ain't being Black either!...OH!
(is this you calling me now?...How did you even get this #, ma?)
lmao....l8r, Neverow.
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