In the blogosphere, it's all about sharing. This Bug is going to talk about something I promised to share earlier last week. My self-imposed celibacy. I was in my early twenties and just ended a long term relationship. It was an amicable decision and I was looking forward to being by myself for a while. Everything was going well. I really wasn't interested in meeting anyone new. Casual dating was never really my thing, much less casual sex. So there I was, going about my business- finally reconnecting with myself without the distraction of a relationship. I read more books, saw a ton of films alone and starting writing what I consider some of my better work at the time. It was really going well until...I started to get that itch.
All of sudden, I began to think deeply about sex and how much it meant to me. Since I was no longer in a steady relationship, the pickings looked slim. My train of thought was this: I will not back peddle to a previous partner, as easy as that seemed- and there was no way I was going to meet someone brand new and just give it up. I know it might sound prudish- but This Bug cannot just freak off with any ole person. I have to feel a connection more strongly than just pure attraction. Sharing my body with another was never something I took lightly. So what was I to do? Well, "self love" was definitely an option. I have a friend who always said, "When you ain't got a man- you got a hand." Funny, because I always thought in response to this, "But...a man has a hand and it feels so much better than my own." But I began to ruminate on the purpose of sex outside of how good it felt. I'm not a religious person by any means- but the idea of an act to procreate was always in the back of my mind. I thought about my last relationship and how much that person was not "Baby Daddy" material. (I say this because at 22, marriage was not at all on my to-do list.) Then it dawned on me. The person I sleep with could potentially be linked to me for life if we were to have a child. Did I want that? My internal answer was a clamoring HELL NO. But shit happens. In the heat of the moment, your body might scream out HELL YES instead, or the condom breaks. Why would I want to risk any of that with some random dude I met at the club?

Anyway, my No Sex thing went on for roughly ten months. The first six were a breeze. By the last four however, even the broomstick looked good. I began to really understand how a man could look at some random woman and instantly think of tappin' that ass. Men were like nicely fleshed out mannequins to my eyes. I thought about warm breath against my neck. The powerful feeling of a torso between my thighs...it was agony. I missed breaking a sweat with someone besides myself. But it was never far from my mind that I could give in any time I wanted. It's general knowledge that it's easier for a woman to get down than it is for man. It's the Vagina Rule- I have the vagina, so I make the rules. We need little more than opportunity- which can be created out of thin air. We go through dry spells that can easily become monsoons with one phone call. When I finally did give in- it was after I found a sense of peace within. I was ready to share myself again because I understood how much I had to offer beyond a pound of flesh. I would recommend this to anyone, male or female- regardless of orientation, since it gives you time to reexamine what matters most to you.

In case anyone is wondering, that first session after ten months was like the first time all over again. They don't call it Born Again Virgin for nothing...and the magnitude of that Big O was a 9.9 on the Richter Scale- believe that!
Yeah, I feel you. I had a lil' 4 year stint with celibacy but it damn sure wasn't self imposed....PHUCK DAT! LOL. Although, the the jewels still remain priceless.
It took me to a time b4 I picked up many-a-thing that I considered "mature" ways. I found that, for me anyway, sex was being used strictly for the immediate gratification.....the ego booster. Ain't nothing like a few nice, " GoT DaMN!..OH SHIT/YES!..WTF yo!!!", to get you through a few days, ya know?
It becomes a lifestyle then & a lot of the MAGIC is clouded over with G(ame) & lust; grimy bed
mates, those two. Anywho, I'm glad to have experienced it....I'm blessed to have experienced it, really. It reminded me of the power of physical affection. Not just the actual act, but of all that leads up to it. The flirtin' with sly phrases & gestures , the feel up, da grind ting, the.....wait, this tank top is suddenly too hot, SHIIIT.......you get the point.
So glad I didn't get (totally) caught up in the player/pimp thing. How much better it is to see/feel it for what it truly is. Well ya know what?...I can't really say what it IS, but I know now what it ISN'T, so that's a beautiful start, right.
So, I said all this to say.............."What's GOOOD, Jayne!..Let's get it poppin' BABY!....I can tell we would be a MATCH behind closed doors.......and I mean MATCH as in FIRE!! (lmao..hold on , let me finish...ha).......Yeah, you know I like hip-hop too &, and, an,and...ummm.....welll that's enough, isn't it?" HAHA!
Good Growth, Yo. One Love.
this comment has othing to do with y0ur post, although i did enjoy it.
especially the still from the condom commercial...it's one of my fave banned commercials, trojan, i think?
anywho the vid below is what i came to share.
@ Verve- Wow! Thanks for the heads up. You know how I love some John Forte.
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