Okay, I just saw the above commercial on TV and just about fell out of bed. Are they serious? I know things are different these days. Brazilian waxes can come up at the breakfast table and no one will bat an eye, now. I can recall a time when pruning the Lady Garden was not an openly discussed matter. But this ad has all the subtlety of a jackhammer. Pretty women on their way out the door, ready for the world...now that the bush has been minimized. I can just imagine the creators of this commercial sitting around- kicking around ideas for the pitch.
Ad Man 1: Hmmm...Schick TrimStyle. TrimStyle...Trim. That's what it does. It trims the hedges. How do we illustrate that?
Ad Man 2: Why don't we show hot young chicks doing their everyday thing...but with little hints of bushes shrinking in the background? We'll use CGI. It'll be great.
Ad Man 1: Right...no shrubbery was harmed during the making if this commercial. Diminish the bush- not a lot, just a little. I mean, it's just a razor after all. You think they'll get it?
Ad Man 2: Of course they'll get it. Okay wait...Why don't we throw in a triangular bush at the end! You see where I'm going with this?
Ad Man 1: I freakin' love it. Get the storyboards drawn up. This is gonna be hot!

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