This Bug has always had a passion for two things. Writing and cooking. While the writing may be obvious, you'd have to be better acquainted with me to really experience the latter. By the time I was seventeen, my friends would come in droves to sample some new recipe I tried out. There was something about feeding everyone that made me happy. There still is. And I found that whenever I was dating someone, they seemed to think that I was auditioning to be Wifey when I made dinner, when in actuality I just loved to cook. It wasn't my fault if they wanted to go home and slap their Momma after having one of my plates.
I am the consummate foodie. I watch Food Network. (If were married to Bobby Flay he would have to detach my feedbag just to hear me speak.) I have dozens of cookbooks and I have been known to travel for rumored good food. Like, out-of-state travel. I used to go to restaurants, try something new and go home and put my own spin on it. Usually it came out better than what I originally ordered. But in the case of Thai food, which I absolutely love- I've learned I'm better off leaving it to the experts.
I'm passionate about food shopping and preparing food. I employ all of my senses and just lose myself in the act. To me, food should be an experience. It can be comforting or sensual or just plain gratifying. There is something so wholesome about that to me. It let's you know you're alive. And when I do in fact cook a meal for someone who truly appreciates it- that is something that I savor long after the 'wares' have been washed. What can I say? I'm a Trini woman. It's how I'm built.
Thank God! lol. Yeah 'man, that's the way it's suppose to be. As one of my favorite sayings go, " Eat, Drink, & Be Merry...fore tomorrow you die." So get as much pleasure as possible in b4 the fat lady sings. Yes , I just know that there will be plenty of "great meal" thoughts (amongst others) during my final hours here,... (hopefully around 70/80 yrs from now).
So you cook for Passion, not Position, huh? That's a great idea for a bumper sticker or something.
"I cook for the passion, not for the position. So "sit & eat ya slice-o-pizza & be quiet!" LOL.
Much love, Ms. Neverow aka "Now datz a Fire!" (Delirious)=)Thanks.
You know what? Writing, cooking and music are my therapy. And I usually cook w/the music blasting. :) Did I mention I'm damn good at it too? :P
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