Lately I've been thinking about just how unladylike it is to curse. Don't get me wrong- I do not judge others for using profanity. But I'd be lying if I said it doesn't turn me off slightly when I hear someone drop the F-bomb in public as if children are not within earshot. I know. It sounds hypocritical considering how prone I am to do the same, but that is the very reason I am striving to curb my vulgar verbal habit. My ears have a selective immunity to certain words. It's weird. I've always said that when someone can cuss...I mean really cuss, something about it is endearing. Take my girl Sue Simmons for instance. I know the network and FCC were all over that little snafu, but I really didn't see what all the hullabaloo was about. If she peppers her talk with a few expletives, we can probably relate more than I thought. Here's the truth: If This Bug ever runs into her- the drinks are on me.
Anyway, the desire to lessen my use of curse words dates back to something my father said to me years ago. "Your speech is littered with foul language, Jayne." Interesting choice of words, don't you think? As though I was a litterbug who wantonly dirties the air with my words. Yes. I curse around my Dad. It's not that I don't respect him; I do. We just happen to have a rapport where he is not offended by my colorful lexicon. So like I stated, my attempt is to tidy up a bit. Like many of my previous undertakings- I just want to see for myself if it can be done. It won't be easy. Being an avid fan of Hip Hop, I am inclined to recite what some may consider explicit lyrics in everyday speech. What can I say? It just nails it. I hate when people use the words 'Potty Mouth' to describe others. To me, that term is more disgusting than any obscene language being scrutinized. Just because someone opts for a crude word here and there- does not mean they are filthy or beneath anyone else. I'm willing to bet the Queen of England can curse someone out behind closed doors and no one is questioning her capacity for classiness. So, we'll just have to see how this goes. Baby steps, you know?
Operation: Self Improvement. Day Fucking One.
And now...some inspiration.
I won't even bother to try w/this one. We're probably as bad as the other!
I don't know how bad you are- but this Cuss Bud is failing...miserably.
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