Now there he goes again, the Dopest Ethiopian. I'm talking about Chef Marcus Samuelsson. Mmmm...there is something about a man who looks like that AND can cook. Tasty and talented? Whoo! He had me at Hello. As I've said before, I'm a bit of a foodie so I've been known to follow the careers of some of the top chefs in the industry. Marcus is a bit of an anomoly. He was born Kassahun Tsegie in Ethopia before he lost his mother to Tubercolosis and was adopted by a couple who lived in Sweden, hence the name change.
He apprenticed at the Culinary Institute in Austria and Switzerland before he came to New York to work for Aquavit Restaurant. Quickly, he became the executive chef and at 24 was the youngest chef ever to receive a three-star restaurant review from The New York Times. In short, the man is the Tiger Woods of the gourmet world. His cooking combines international influences with traditional cuisines from Sweden to Japan and Africa. He never lost his roots to strictly European cuisine. In fact- he pimped the system when he introduced his own cultural dominion to what was usually "snobbish" food. Now, I could go on and on about his accomplishments but seriously- I just want to talk about how good it is to know that a man that fine can also cook.

Why did you have to remind me of his divine presence on this earth? Umph, I love that man!
Yeah- he's the shiznit. It's okay Married Lady, you can admit it.
Aquavit is around the corner from my job. We go there 2-3 times a month (on Fridays) to have our weekly meetings. We often see Marcus Samuelsson walking around in the restaurant while we talk about work and enjoy some of the best lychee martinis (my choice) and Manhattans (everyone else in the team) in NYC. If you want to get an in person glance, you should definitely stop by the restaurant, a sighting is close to guaranteed.
Don't know if you know...
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