Okay people, I have to say before I get into this- that I was strongly advised
not to blog about the following topic. Very seldom do I ask others what they think of my sharing certain aspects of my life on here. When I do, I ask those whose opinions I respect. Right. Respect, but do not necessarily always heed. It's times like this that I always remind them that the blog is called
This Bug's Life and make a pointed decision to type on defiantly. I am not afraid to show the cracks and the flaws...except for the infamous ass crack of course...and that little thing I've considered laser surgery on for years now. Those things are taboo and shall get no burn on this blog. But I'm all for laying the rest of it bare, including my own character flaws- if it means bringing me closer to understanding myself and helping others by the same token.
Alright, if anyone's been paying attention, it doesn't take much to see that This Bug is a
fighter. The self proclaimed One Woman Riot did it again...almost. And I have to say that I'm quite proud of the control I exercised the other night. There will be no changing of names to protect the innocent or the wimpy. I will spare everyone the
juicy mundane details and simply relay that my patience outshone my temper when my kindness was mistaken for something else. To be confronted by a lifelong passive-aggressive bubblehead who wouldn't know tough if it checked her on the chin- was laughable. Entertaining at best. Did the girl deserve to get her ass dragged down the street and handed to her in below freezing weather? Affirmative. Did I take the high road? Yes I did. Have I forgotten the directions to the low road? Absolutely not. But picking your battles is a part of growing up and I realize now that some people will inherently feel your presence while wasting immeasurable energy trying to do otherwise. Silly mortals. I don't know why they do it to themselves. What I
do know is that my words and movements are genuine. So...

You may question my logic all day, but you can never question my sincerity. I don't make enemies.
I finish them.
Jayne my friend.....you are off the chain! But I'm glad you took the high road and did the mature thing by not handing out a Brand Nubian (Punks jump up to get beat down).
There will be no changing of names to protect the innocent or the wimpy.- this was hilarious
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