I can't say that I understand it fully. In fact, I'm not sure I'm supposed to. All I know is that my mother was one. My brother-from-another is one. And my could-never-love-another is one too, along with countless close friends. We tend to find each other it seems; in deep waters that meet the ocean floor. Dwelling in my crustacean shell and walking waywardly- they swim around me for a spell. We share a love of water and are completely in our element down here. There is a compassion and intuitiveness that is unmatched by others. We see one another. Truly see one another. While I'm content in the comfort of my abode, they are most alive when exploring the vastness of the deep blue. The beauty in that- is they always return with a piece of what they have found in their travels. Smiles, wisdom, jewels or a closely held credo. My most natural Cancerian instinct is to clutch them in my claws. Hold them for all time. But that is not the way to love them.
There is such a dazzling rhythm to their fluid movement- that to even think of capturing it would be an injustice. That type of greatness is as boundless as the dark. With them, life is lush- and the only predictable thing about them is their unpredictability. Natural born dreamers who wade skillfully in and out of any perplexity...I've witnessed it so many times and each time I am awestruck. They are more enamored with the mind and spirit than matters of this physical world. This I love. Because there is so much more to this hermit crab than the earthly shell I possess. I can count on being taken to new places with them while not moving a stitch. I willfully lose myself in undulating pools of soulful eyes, because I cannot drown there. I can only thrive. So this is my thank you to each of them. The fish who so enrich my world simply by being in it. Oh, my Mermaids and Neptunes...I love you all from gills to tail. Swim on.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you. These words are gorgeous, Jayne. Being one of what you so elegantly speak about in this piece, I must say that you hit it Right On like a hip hop magazine...=).
You're such an observer from the deep blues bottom. We truly admire your strength & resilience to the pressures of "down under". And of coarse you are admired for doing what none of us can......walk on land.
You too, bring back treats from the streets for ya peeps in the deep, babes.
And I, for one , *Love YOU & that more than one lifetime can express.
Thank you once again, Bug. I will swim with a much more sense of pride b/c of this. You are truly a blessing.
Looking forward to your next piece/peace. Until then mi friend,
oh btw, I luvs me some crabby patties!!..I'll Sponge Bob ya anytime!!
(sorry Jayne...it's the fish in me...had to flirt jus a likkle. =0....)
*...more than one lifetime can express...so much more. Luv
TAN likes this post *thumbs up icon*
nice post. thanks.
Marcus is a fish, too. :)
Thank you ...Rockit
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