Okay, I have to the throw the disclaimer out there early before proceeding to Today's Throwback. If you're sensitive about Mommas, I suggest you come back next week. Alright. Let's commence. Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde is still one of my all-time favorite albums. It quenches like a red Gatorade after three hours on the basketball court. When I started writing Throwback Thursdays, I had a mental list of videos I would never post because they seemed to obvious or generic by throwback standards only, of course. Passin' Me By was one. Common's I Used to Love H.E.R. and Souls of Mischief's '93 til Infinity also join the ranks. So if you're ever in the mood to vibe to those- head over to Youtube for yourself. But The Pharcyde has some other noteworthy gems including Ya Mama. Snappin'. The Dozens. Whatever you call it where you're from- they take it to a new level with an entire song devoted to dissin' Mothers. And it's hilarious. I always loved how they repeat the last insult before starting the next verse, just in case you forgot that she was naked on a mountain top tootin' on a flute. Ridin' on a horse, drinkin' whiskey out a boot. With the wings and the teeth of an African bat. Did you know her middle name is Mudbone and on top of all that...
Ah...they took it back to days of the playground where you were only as good as your last snap. That is of course unless it cut so deep that it escalated to an ass-whoopin'. Yes, even This Bug rumbled with a boy at school by the ice cream truck for talking smack about my mother. It took three heads to pull me off of him and oddly enough- people still remember that schoolyard scrap decades later. He'll never live it down. Shout out to McCoy Boy. You gave it your all but still got yo' ass bust, Homie. Love is love. Anyfist, this may seem ironic since I have nothing but reverence for Mommas but when it's funny- you have to give credit where it's due. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta run. Quinton's On His Way....I'm about to order some food.
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