It was a marathon of a conversation and I quickly lost track of time. That's how it is with us sometimes. For what seemed like an hour, I read aloud the zodiac traits and characteristics pertaining to myself...and then to him. Water signs are so peculiar. So alike and so different. We talked about these things. Positive vibes and what we invite. Knowing yourself before attempting to deconstruct others. Warding off negativity despite being surrounded by it. It's what we do; relate and debate. And then a beep. I move the phone away from my ear to glance at the Caller I.D. The name on the tiny lime green screen has become excitingly familiar in just one week. "That's the firm! Lemme call you back." I don't think I waited for a response before tapping the flash button. Her voice was calm with a hint of merriment in it. I assume she was happy the hunt was over. She can safely assume I was happy to be caught. "We narrowed it down...If you're still interested..." Formalities ensue. Where. What time. She signs off with the same whimsical tone. I. Am. Ecstatic. I hit the last number dialed and hear seven notes chirp in rapid succession. I take a deep breath. "Baby. I got it!" And humbly speaking, this one felt like mine from the giddy-up.
Congratulations! That's what's up! It's like the Secret have to visualize it and speak it into existance and therefore you claim what is rightfully yours. Good Luck and much continued success!
Thanks Dona!
Congratulations! That's what's up! It's like the Secret have to visualize it and speak it into existance and therefore you claim what is rightfully yours. Good Luck and much continued success!
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