Aight People. Feel me on this one. There was a time when This Bug used to shake out at parties, knock back some drinks and be very sociable. In my younger days I was a bit more adventurous. I recommend it to anyone who can do it without serious consequences and repercussions. That being said, I have a few tips for my fellow partygoers. Keep the alcohol to a moderate amount and be wary of club lighting. It can fool you. Like it fooled me one infamous night.
Many moons ago, I was at a house party with some friends. I was tipsy NOT drunk when I was approached by a gentleman. He proceeded to chat me up and the conversation went well. Very well. Too well. I felt a synergy, vibes or whatever you want to call it. We exchanged numbers, spoke a few times on the phone then agreed to meet again some time later. That fateful day rolled around and my doorbell rang. Wow! This dude couldn't have been the same one from the party. I was astounded at how much my eyesight had failed me the night we met. He wasn't even remotely cute. I don't know what I was thinking. My girls didn't even warn me...the bitches. Sure, he had a nice physique...and I might have played a little tonsil hockey with him before we parted ways (might have...heh-heh) but DAMN!!! Was it that dark in there? Something just wasn't right.
Immediately I thought about Today's Throwback. The gentle notes of a xylophone rang through my ears as he stood before me. I was quite polite like Walter Kronrite but inwardly all I could think was: WTF? I just got caught up with a male version of a Strobelite Honey. Dammit Man! I can't remember how it faded out but I never saw him after that day. Dres of Black Sheep knew what he was talking about in 1991. He came with every excuse in the book to get away from that busted chick and can you really blame him? I may get accused of being Shallow Hal on this one but let's face it- we like what we like. And we may like what we might not ordinarily like if liquor and poor lighting has anything to do with that decision process. It happens. I wish you could watch the video on this site but you'll have to watch it here instead. Sidebar: The original object of Dres' desire is none other than Elise Neal from The Hughleys a.k.a Scrappy from Rosewood. This Bug's favorite line: "Anyway I'm out. Out I gotta be. I got to step...with the viscosity." You have to appreciate how smoothly he put that. I'm gonna go listen to A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing now.
My sage words on this matter: What you can't blame on the alcohol- you can blame on the Strobelight. Just don't make it a habit.
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