I'm back with more randomness because when all else fails, when inspiration doesn't feel like visiting... I can always fall back on the trusty random list. Some quick hits- if you will. And away we go.

Yes, This Bug had the exact same metal Muppet lunchbox when I was a little girl; which my father instructed me to swing relentlessly at anyone who dared fuck with me on the playground. They didn't want it with Kermy and Piggy, though. I might just cop this from Ebay for posterity's sake.
Banksy has fast become a staple of my interest in art. Check him out. Thought provoking to say the least.

If variety is the spice of life, I personally know a few men who could benefit from a blander diet for a hot second. It's good to be friends with them though. Nothing like inside info.

I have to admit, she's a such a tragic and beautiful disaster that I can't help but relate to her when I'm at my worst. Everyone wanted to look; no one cared to truly listen.

What can Brown do for me? They can start by delivering my shit on the day they promised in a timely fashion. How 'bout that, Ups? Been waiting all friggin' day for my new phone. Bastards.

I went to a Luau the other day. Wasn't in Hawaii. It was still kinda fly even if I didn't "get leied".

It's a damn shame these limited edition Big Daddy Kane kicks don't come in Ladies sizes. Damn shame...
And while we're on the topic: Kane killed it at a free concert in Brooklyn a few weeks ago. That man can still hop over Scoob Lover's head and not lose his breath. What is he now? 40 something?
'Nuff respect due!

Who wants to see This Bug cry? Just place the above stuffed toy in a bag within my view, allow my heart to soar and then report that it's not for me. It's just being held for a friend. Some people can be so cruel.

This Bug was recently selected to be an officer of a Hip-Hop discussion board on Facebook. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but if you know how true my love is for the art form, you can just picture the inner cartwheel I did when I got the news.

On the To Do List: I'm gonna remix Trey Songz
LOL Smiley Face to
NRL Frowny Face...because I'm not
Laughing each time I hear this corny little ditty. In fact it pisses me off more and more.
That's all, Folks. Stop by again sometime for more utter randomness.
love the NRL Frowny Face!
i thought it was layed not "leied" lol...........
Yon, it doesn't matter how you spell it. It didn't happen for the kid. :-/
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