This is too much. I swear. One minute you're going about your business and everyday routine- next you're hearing about a Kung Fu movie legend found dead in a Bangkok (of all places- Oh the irony...) hotel room. I can't say I was an avid fan of David Carradine. I don't really know much about him besides the fact he comes from a family of actors, he was married a few less times than Elizabeth Taylor and would actually hurt people on the set. No stuntman karate antics with him. Nuh-uh. He whooped ass. My appreciation for him only recently began with the Kill Bill Volumes. But amid the swirling controversy of his death, I'd like to take a moment to pay my respects. Whether he died while practicing some
freaky-deeky suffocation or not, he still deserves a nod for his life's work. He made a boatload of movies and
Kung Fu will always be one of those cult classic TV shows that people like Quentin Tarrantino will reference for the sheer love of it. Why else do you think Sam Jackson's character was retiring to just simply
"walk the earth" in Pulp Fiction? So let's all raise a sword and pour some Saki out for Kung Fu Master Carradine. He will be missed.
Saki poured. A nod of respect to his memory. And an old tie tied to the doorknob & then around my neck to show how it's properly done........
(sigh).. Amateurs.
Indeed- that tactic is not for the novice. It's sad that for all his martial arts skills- he was still "ah Prentice" where that was concerned.
But you should still have some supervision. You know, just in case things get out of hand, someone can dial 911 if need be. Um...I'm not doing anything right now...
Got any saki left?
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