Disclaimer: I am not a Feminist. This Bug does not hate Weezy. It is not Verbal Assassination Day. This is not a "Save the Babies from Hip-Hop" crusade. I am not a bitter woman. The views and opinions expressed directly represent those of the author. Thus, we can agree to disagree.
For reasons that will remain undisclosed for now, I've been listening to a lot more radio lately. Because of this I've become acquainted with a particular song that really grinds my gears. L'il Wayne's Every Girl. Each time I hear this song, it ossifies my distaste for the premise of it. Yes, the beat is catchy. That's part of problem. While the people are nodding their heads and humming "Cuz we like her..." en masse, they are missing the fact that he would carry out every promiscuous whim if it were humanly possible. Listeners of Hip-Hop are no strangers to hearing of an MC's sexual prowess. That goes back to the days of G Rap. And as I've said before- when it's done with lyrical skill, even This Bug has been known to overlook misogynistic verses. Back then- at least there was some reference to wearing a jimmy hat, no matter how fleeting. But for some reason it's different with this joint. These are widely irresponsible times. HIV and AIDS are on the rise no matter what the CDC tells us. So when a song like Every Girl is in such heavy rotation- it pours fuel on the proverbial fire. Music is powerful. I see it every day. Considering that I co-host an online Hip-Hop show once a week- I get a bird's eye view of the collective mentality of young men. While they are mostly driven for success- a part of that is measured by how many chicks they can bag. Make no mistake. The game has not changed all that much.
Anyway, I'm not up in arms over this song. If Weezy and the rest of them can't be choosy when it comes to women, by all means, they can cast the net as far and wide as they see fit. But I hope they are mindful of what crabs can be dragged into that net as well. Figuratively speaking of course. Something about wishing that you could f*ck every girl in the world is a major turn-off to This Bug. The fact remains that these dudes are real people and the females they are getting down with are real people, too. I'm sure there is a long haired, thick redbone chick out there right now who proudly fits Wayne's description of what he likes- and would be happy to sample his Sex Game that's stupid and Head Game that's dumbest. That is the sad and sorry truth. And just because she is told that she is beyond beautiful doesn't change the fact it will be said to the next girl. Females should know one thing and know it well: It's not hard to give a dog a bone. They should be more concerned with how easily that bone is discarded once a pup tires of playing with it. When viewed as a different species...almost lesser beings for the purpose of pleasure, anything goes when comes to hoes. I guess pimpin' is easy after all.
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