Bossy is a state of mind. I can recall being very young and hearing the words, "Jayne- you like your own way too much." This always confused me because my response (in my own head, anyway) was always- "But who doesn't?" I could never understand if it was possible to get one's way in a situation why someone would choose otherwise. As long as getting my own way was not at the expense of someone else I saw no harm in it.
My life has taken me through many trials and tribulations. I have been the Sacrificial lamb in plenty of my journeys. I have fought battles that were not mine to fight. Mainly because I had a short fuse and was not willing to let some minor stuff slide. Or the infraction was on someone very close to me. I am of the humble opinion that there are some beatdowns that hold no statute of limitations. It could be years later and This Bug can still get it poppin'. I don't care how hood that sounds either- it's the truth. But I digress...
As I got older I realized that having my own way does not make me bossy or a brat. I just know what I want and how to make it happen. Nothing wrong with that. I'm a grown woman so I don't resort to tantrums or batting eyelashes. I simply make a case for why my way would be a better way to go. More than likely a compromise is reached and everybody's happy. Well, This Bug usually is, anyway.
My point is that everyone is the architect of their movements. To paraphrase Nasir Jones, no one plans to fail- they just fail to plan. Everyone wants to be a boss. I personally never had an issue with authority or taking direction- but I always try to make it work for me. Very recently, opportunities have been presenting themselves to me and I truly respect the experience of those presenting them. But make no mistake- once I embark on these new paths, it will be done my way.
1 comment:
SOUPS!... in the muddaphukin' house!!!Yeah-yeah, been a couple of days but here I am again. Crisp,clean,& serene.
Anywho, I feel ya, ma. Pick up what yuh feel is useful & dash-way the rest.
But plans get tricky sometimes, babe. You seem to be a shaker & mover though so I know when that time comes, you'll do it the best way. Not YOUR way, not THEIR way, but the BEST way.
You seem like a tough cookie too. Ready to get aggressive up in dis beeyatch quick! Who knows, one day maybe we'll link up in a bar somewhere & put them skills to the test. I have a keen way of bringing the tough Tony & Tanya outta person. We could while out on some Maxwell "til the cops come knockin'" ish!!!
Wait, I'm still talkin' about fighting, right? =\
Anyway, I'm out for now. In a minute, Jayne. Blog on, homie. 1
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