Honestly, I needed it more on a personal level at the time. I have countless notebooks, odd pieces of paper and poetry scrawled onto napkins and receipts laying around. I am surrounded by my writings. I bleed from my pen. I breathe through my pen. I share via keyboard. Months later, I realized that I write to get it right in my head- and if someone should take the smallest iota from what I share, that's a nice Maraschino on top.
I have often wondered what I would write about once my blog hit its little centennial stage. At the moment, it only seems right to acknowledge that I love doing this and I appreciate the readership and feedback. To Brooklyn's Finest, the Sweetest Tea over at the Lion's Share, thank you for always staying abreast of my heartfelt sentiments, pointless rants and everything in between. A special thanks to the beautiful and talented Kari who authors A Mi Ver. She is my blood, my inspiration and a gift to all whose eyes are fortunate enough to meet her words. She has shown me what a proud name we bear. And to Soups Malone, who has yet to shine his own light in the blogosphere- but always has a positive, encouraging energy woven throughout his praise and opinions. It cannot be bought nor taught.
And to my all readers religious or random, avid or happening by- thank you for taking a peek into This Bug's Life. I do this for you. I do this for me. I do this for us.
Signing off,
This Bug
...hold on..I have something...in...(sniffle)..my eye. (cough)...ummm...thank you, Ms. Neverow. The pleasure is, without a doubt, all mine. It's beings such as yourself that let us know that genuine flavor still exist.
Your memory of times long gone & how you stir-it-up into your writing to prove a point is amazing.
You got that REAL Real $h!t, yo!...Not that fake real sh*t, ya know? So once again, my twisted sister, it is I~ Soups Malone, Commandant to the League of Extraordinary Men, that should thank you for "reppin' your set" & having the courage to put your thoughts on stage for all to see.
I appreciate you, Jayne Neverow, and I know that everyone from the serious Blogologists to the "window watchers" do too.
Keep it up, Ms. Jayne aka Joan Wilder. LOL!!....." I've red all yur books!" =)
Keep on keeping it fly/stupid fresh to def, luv.
laters, Soups Malone.
Hey wait a minute. You forgot to thank the academy oh... and hello....jesus!!!!
No serously Jayne, we have known eachother for some time and you still never cease to amaze me. You are a brilliant writer. Your vunerability makes you tangible, and your strength makes you admirable.
Your undertaking of the most pressing issues in the human experience to the most comical is unparalleled.
Thank you for sharing and most of all thank you for being my friend. Here's to another 100.
To infinity and beyond...
Congratulations on your milestone. Don't ever stop writing. Don't ever stop striving. They're in your blood.
And thanks for the kind words. Funny how you can love someone you barely know and yet know so well and share so much, including blood.
Much love to you, cuz.
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