Today is the day, People. It all boils down to today. I've kept a close eye on campaign thus far, and I can honestly say tonight's results are still anybody's guess, if 2004 is any indication of how unlikely outcomes can get. I've seen a lot of support for both parties in the last six months. Some of it, a bit more eccentric than others. The good folks over at Vanity Plates can attest to that. (Thanks for the shout-out, VP.) They recently posted one of the plates I passed along. I share their sentiment that no matter who you vote for today- whether you Barack the Vote or Make it Plain with McCain, it's important to not suffer from Electile Dysfunction. If you are able- of sound body and mind, I implore you to make your voice count for all those who might otherwise go unheard. No matter the outcome, we are all still witnessing history in the making and there is no reason to not be a part of it. It's a new day.
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