Let's get this out the way right now. Separating religion from politics is about as feasible as separation of economics and politics. It's virtually impossible because it all operates on a cyclical social scale. There are some in this country who would rather cut off their eyelids than view a world that resembles a 'fruitopia' where gays can wed, pay bills together, host dinner parties and join the capitulated doldrums of the ole ball-and-chaindom known mostly to the Hetero world.
Last night, SNL flipped Proposition 8 the proverbial bird with its gayest installment ever. The highlight however was Beyonce's faux video shoot for her song Single Ladies. It was hilarious. Period. Anything that features Justin Timberlake in a Spanx leotard is worth a gander. This one was for all of those who can't handle it. And boy, did SNL give it good. I'm sure this one had the pearl clutching prudes running for the remote- forever traumatized by the boy who brought sexy back. I freakin' loved it!
I have always held the personal opinion that same sex couples are no different from straight couples. They too have power struggles, insecurities and the run-of-the-mill issues that face hetero couples. When I see a gay couple- male or female, I do not immediately think about what is going on behind closed doors any more than I do when I see a man and woman who are obviously involved. Because at the end of the day, that fundamental difference from straight couples is their business only.
I can't wax poetic on gay rights or the sanctity of marriage but I do know that when viewed from a political and social perspective, people have the right to be together and have that commitment recognized. How unfair would it be for a person to pass away and the life insurance policy would not acknowledge the preferred beneficiary simply because they cannot be considered a "spouse"- even though they loved, honored and respected their partner until death, but that declaration was blocked by the government. What the hell? Well, it seems unfair to me anyway. So This Bug tips her hat to SNL for really sticking it to the 'Straight Crusaders' with last night's episode. And if there are any of those lurking around right now, here's your catharsis. A very macho, very hetero Mr. Timberlake offering up a 'hard'felt gift from the bottom of his...pants. Enjoy!
Read my girl's blog post on this: http://afrobella.com/2008/11/17/love-not-h8/#comments
Echoes our sentiments.
Yes indeed. Props to Afrobella.
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