“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark
Routines are made to deviate from. It's been a while since I did that. It doesn't happen often but when spontaneity gets the better of This Bug, I must comply. Bottom line: I had to break out, yo. Sometimes you just need a moment to keep it to self. Last time it was Miami. This time it was Chi-town. There's plenty about my excursion that I'd like to hold close, just for selfish purposes. But I'll divulge a few quick hits simply for the sake of sharing.

For the first time in a long time- I slept. I mean really slept. Sound. I needed it. Weird dreams, too. Stay tuned.

I did my best not to fall into the run-of-the-mill practice of tourism but alas- it's not a trip to Chicago if you leave without consuming their famous Deep Dish. My take: NY Pizza wins hands down. But that might just be me.

No matter where I go, I'm always struck by how trusting people are in other parts. At the car rental, the attendant innocently suggested I leave my luggage there to go outside and peruse their fleet of cars to choose from. I promptly put her on. "I'm from New York, Sweetie. I'm not leaving anything anywhere." Homie don't play dat.

A gajillion tiny bubbles have the most exhilarating and calming effect all at once. Until you have to get out and reset the timer. It's still kinda fly, though.
As it turns out- I drove smack dab into the middle of the annual St. Patrick's Day parade out there. Wild! Those people know how to get it crunk. I actually watched a guy repeatedly kick a huge, inverted umbrella down the street in hopes of hitting his girlfriend who was walking up ahead, arms folded- utterly pissed at him. Yeah. I guess green beer can do that. He almost caught her a couple of times too- just in case you were wondering. *shaking my head*

Before I forget, allow me to impart some wisdom on not packing any compromising or embarrassing objects for your trip. Airport security employees live for this. I was stopped for having a bottle of juice I had forgotten about in my carry-on. This guy made it a point to specify that it was a Snapple. Then he looked me squarely in the eye and said, "Ask me how I knew it was a Snapple bottle." Panic. I instantly picture the tell-tale shape of errr...um... a grown up toy and say, "I don't want to know." He smirks. I wipe the proverbial brow and keep it moving through the metal detectors. Now mind ya biz. This Bug is a grown ass woman.

Wine tastes different at hotel bars. Perhaps it's the anonymity of traveling strangers. We're all just passing through. But savoring.

I made myself a promise that I would stare at this painting the same way Cameron did in Ferris Bueller's Day Off to get some semblance of what he was feeling. It's a lot bigger than I ever imagined it. As a matter of fact, I felt very small standing before it. In short: I get it. John Hughes was a genius. R.I.P.

So... all up in his hometown and I ain't run into Common not once. But that's not why I went. Contrary to what some may believe. (Next time, Gadget. Ha.) I just wanted to Be. I'm happy to say I didn't have to ask anyone Can I Borrow A Dollar in order to steal away. This was a Resurrection of sorts. My writing. My mind. My spirit. It was almost Like Water for Chocolate in a way. I wouldn't have made this trip and have it be so meaningful without everything single thing that lead up to it days before. Deep down, I felt like I was on my way to Finding Forever but I can't say for sure. I do know however... that One Day It'll All Make Sense.
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