Hello Boys and Girls. I'm back with another treat. Ya'll should know by now that when This Bug is on a roll, you can expect me to keep it in the same camp when it comes to Throwback Thursdays. So...in keeping with the essence of my last post: Wu Tang is for the kids! And so am I. Plus, Shyheim the Rugged Child was such a cute kid back then- I have to show the love. I know I say this about almost every Throwback I feature but this. was. my. shit. Period. You can't ask me to pick just one. That would be like asking which one of your children you love the most. It just can't be done. Anyway, I'm strolling down Memory Lane today and the pit stop is late '93 into early '94. Ahhh...the tunes were just so official back then, including this one. What I loved the most was that this kid had skills for real. If his rhymes were ghostwritten by some elder Wu member, I sure as hell couldn't tell. Which is more than I can say for Killarmy. Yeah I said it. And Whut?! They all sounded like some amateur versions of RZA and Inspecktah Deck to my ears. Shyheim served up eloquent lyrics like a grown ass man when he had to be... I dunno, a teenager at the time? (This Bug is too exhausted to fact check right now. Wikipedia that shit yourself if you care so much.) My point is that his style didn't seem to mimic anyone else from the Wu. He had his own flow and gave an honest report on what he saw firsthand coming up in Stapleton Projects. I'll say this much: Cute grows up. But when you have obvious skills like this kid possessed, there's no need to rely on folks pinching your cheeks like Kris Kross or other youngsters who just barely got by on that. I could go On and On but let's just get to it. This Bug's favorite line? "Wasn't hard to tell that these kids was no joke. They let the pistols smoke and they nines was doper than Coke."Um, yeah. That boy was the truth.
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