Apache is gone. I don't know where to start. I'm still in shock, really. One of the most slept on emcees to ever do it has been confirmed dead today. I'll say this much; his calm voice and laid back delivery stood out. The way he broke down the kind of woman he wanted at his side will forever be the Tough Girl anthem for those who lived it. When it first dropped, This Bug bumped that joint as if it was written for yours truly. Finally there was a song that heralded someone other than the "girly girls". From the Newports to the bandanna tied around my curls, he hit the nail on the head. Always known to be the firecracker of my crew, Gangsta Bitch seemed to come along and solidify an entire persona and lifestyle for females such as myself. It takes a distinguished individual to speak pleasantly about what most would consider unpleasant. He spoke with a respect and clipped adoration about a woman who was just as thorough as he was- but no less a lady. He painted a perfect picture. I felt him on that.
Now, I won't front like I kept up with Apache's career when I didn't. Like too many real emcees in the game for that time, he fell by the wayside. But true heads never forgot him. He is part of the Golden Era of Hip-Hop that cultivated legends sixteen bars at a time. It's because of him I saw myself grow from a rough-around-the edges, always ready for whatever, box cutter toting little girl to a mature young lady who learned how to put the L down and pick her battles. And to this day, when I hear that song- the gangsta bitch in me smiles and shakes her head at a precious and priceless time gone by. It remains one of my all time favorites. Apache will be missed. My respects and condolences go out to his family, friends and The Flavor Unit. I know we heard him say that He Ain't Shit, but nothing was further from the truth. 'Pour a little bit out for the brother that ain't here.'
1 comment:
Shame on you, Anon. It's never too late, though.
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