So I'm driving home today from work and traffic is backed up in my turning lane. I'm getting antsy and inching my way up. Ever. So. Slowly. After what seems like five minutes at a standstill, flashing lights come into view. I'm thinking, 'Okay, Po-Po got somebody. What's the hold-up, Man.' Aside from making sure it's not the vehicle of someone I know, I usually keep it moving. But as I got closer, I saw what all the fuss was about. This was not your regular police cruiser with all the bells and whistles. This wasn't even an unmarked DT car like one of those Mustangs that pulled me over a few years back. (Damn, they got me good.) This was a yellow Taxi. Do you understand? A fuckin' Crown Vic yellow Taxi. What part of the game is this?! The ironic thing about seeing this today was the fact that I was discussing this very situation with a woman I know just yesterday. She got a call about someone who needed legal representation after being arrested by a uniformed officer in a yellow cab. I told her that I'd heard they do that in NYC but I'd never seen it locally. She swore it was a mistake.
So, the photo-journalist in me sprang to life. Of course, I took out my phone and snapped some pics as I was easing by in that jammed up traffic. I even contributed to it a bit, which is rare since I refuse to rubberneck- but it was for the cause. And these dudes weren't even in uniforms. They didn't even look like Feds. They looked likeMercs. You should have seen the scowl on one of their faces when they realized I was taking a picture. Just...hateful. Then I noticed I didn't have on my seatbelt. So I kept it moving while simultaneously buckling up. I might be bold- but I'm not stupid. I made my turn only to find a marked car had pulled over an SUV just around the corner. Yo, the block was hot, Son! I don't ride dirty (except for some frequent occasional leadfooting) so it's of no consequence to me. I just thought I'd put everyone else on, because those are some grimy tactics if I've ever seen them. If that ain't the sneakiest form of entrapment...I don't know what is. What's next- a hearse? So drive safely, ya'll. Be wary of those yellow cabs and remember THEY have the right to remain violent.
Yeah, they do that in the city like crazy. I once saw a undercover in the BX rockin a Saturn..You arrest someone, they can't even fit in the back..
Sidenote, i peeped the pic. Isnt that right down the street from T Of H..
Yeah, they do that in the city like crazy. I once saw a undercover in the BX rockin a Saturn..You arrest someone, they can't even fit in the back..
Sidenote, i peeped the pic. Isnt that right down the street from T Of H..
What? I would be INSULTED if they tried to bag me in a Saturn!
And Dubs...Leave it you to notice that it's right of the block from Waste' O Money.
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