I checked out. Shut down my Facebook page. Sent all calls to voicemail. Switched my landline answering machine to two rings. I spent some much needed time in books...and in my own head. The new year found me renewed and replenished and it had nothing to do with January 1st. It had everything to do with leaving behind cumbersome thoughts and negative energy. I had to walk away from everyone and everything to find the center again.
And I found it. With no blog as an outlet, I was restricted to dealing with my life without documenting it along the way. Well, that's not entirely true. From a remote location, i.e., the library, I recounted my tale of an inebriated fist fight I got into last month. What can I say? I'm a violent drunk. You can read about it below. Since I've been away, so much has taken place. I fell in and out and back in love again. Haiti was shaken to shambles. I blew the dust off an old Yo! MTV Raps VHS tape. Someone as close as family began serving a sentence of 100 years. Princess Leia became a Jedi. And I saw all the promise of the universe in the milky black pupils of a three month old.
There is much to document. There is much to relay. I write to get it right. Everything else gets left. One thing's for sure...

NOW TIME TO SHOW N PROVE, Ms. Jayne. I, for one, missed the fuc-outta-u. Your wild,whimsical,wayward, & wonderfully woven words of wisdom give me a nice dose of realness straight to the medulla oblongata!
Thx, in advance, for all the future eye opening lines you have in store for our fu-ture.
Amore Uno, sweet gyul. Bless....
Fu-ture? Nice one.
So glad you're back! I checked in many times and was dissapointed...
Welcome home and know you were missed!
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