There is something to be said about the advancement of technology and its effects on human behavior today. Virtually everywhere you turn, there's an eye in the sky or some sort of tracking device in place. We are lead to believe that it's there for our security and safety- but really all it does is invade the privacy of our lives and make our worlds a lot smaller. Rather than rage against this intrusive machine- I opt for turning my own eye back at it. It's my way of saying, "I'm watching you watch me- and there is nothing you can do about it anymore than I can." One of two things will happen. They can stop watching or try to cover their tracks and continue to watch. Either way, there's now a ghost in the machine. It won't quite function the same way in the knowledge that it is being monitored as well. That kind of makes me want to laugh.

In any case, when you 'walk good' you really shouldn't care who is watching that walk- should you? I liken it to passing a cop while doing just above the speed limit. As long as there's no clip in my astray, open Becks bottles on the backseat or a dead hooker in the trunk- why should I fear driving by a squad car? I might look suspect just trying to maintain the speed limit and get pulled over anyway. But I digress. My point is that if you aren't doing anything wrong- you'll have no desire to hide your deeds. Seems simple enough to me.

"So I keep one eye open like C-B-S. Ya see me stressed, right?"Jay Z - Can I Live
Speak on Oscar Grant
"Who am I to stop them from enjoying the view?" ~J. Neverow
Nice one. You left me wanting more though; wished it was a lil' longer. But I guess that's what a good blogger does, huh? Leaves you to expound further on your own. Like a jump-start to get the wheels turning in the mind. Ahh yes, I can see clearly now. You're a sly one, Jane.
Good looks, once again. I think I'm about to go give "them" something to look at. Time to start some conversations. ;) Peace & Luv,
...a dead hooker? What about a dead pimp? That should be ok right?
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