"Alright. Break it up. Nothing to see here, Folks." No, really I mean it. There is nothing to see here. Not if you're going into Lakeview Terrace actually expecting an enjoyable movie. Honestly, this is 110 minutes of my life I can never get back. (I'm especially miffed at the last 10 minutes this movie stole from my remaining existence on this earth.) Really and truly, this is not a movie review. It's just a rant.
Sam Jackson is loud and really mean. Surprise, surprise. The yellow-bellied husband takes entirely too long to grow a pair and handle his business. And Kerry Washington bring nada to the table. She also fails miserably in the eye candy department in a pair of heinous cat-eye glasses in her 'studious looking' scenes...Pshht. Oh yeah, the dialogue is crap, too. There is nothing engaging about the object of Sam's indignation, interracial relationships or the reverse 'There Goes The Neighborhood' premise.
Thank Heaven this Bug saw this for free due to a nifty rewards program for having a particular cable package, blah, blah, blah. I'm too annoyed to even link anything in this post. What an utter waste of a film crew. The Movie Gods are apparently out to lunch.
If you haven't already done it to yourself- I implore you...Don't. You're much better off seeing Max Payne instead. Now, there's a dude with some balls! He's come a long ways from that Funky Bunch, I'll tell ya that.
1 comment:
Oh I kinda want to see Max Payne. Thanks for the review of the other movie though. Sounds awful.
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