No doubt about it. Joe The Plumber's ears must've been ringing nonstop last night. I wonder if he'll ever get that business off the ground. He obviously has the disposable dollars to toy with the idea. Good for him. Meanwhile, folks all over are gravely clawing themselves out of foreclosure and unemployment.
Some, not all of the issues were tackled in this final Presidential Debate. I can honestly say that I listened intently with unbiased ears. So just imagine the degree of my discombobulation when this jarring little gem was delivered: "When Senator Obama was first asked, he said anyplace, anytime -- the way Barry Goldwater and Jack Kennedy agreed to do before the intervention of the tragedy at Dallas."
And that Folks, was my official WTF!? moment. More allusions to that? Really? Wow.
In the meantime, at least we know now what sheer desperation looks like in all of its ignorant, impacted wisdom tooth glory- at least when it's measured against seemingly detached amusement. This Bug has said it before. Cool can't be bought nor taught.
If all else fails, at least we have "that bresh of freth air." (sic) I stifled paroxysms of laughter on this one.
But in all seriousness- I think my girl, Anna Mae Bullock said it best: We don't need another hero. All we want is life beyond the Thunderdome.
Whoo...It's a wrap. I'm exhausted. Wake me when it's done.
1 comment:
I was ALL over that "bresh of freth air" on Twitter during the debate:
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