When things don't go my way, I try my best not to cry over spilled milk. If something is not my cup of tea, I usually drop it like a hot potato. Sometimes, you just know when you've had your fill. Then there are times when I'm a glutton for punishment. It seems as though I've acquired a taste for unpalatable things lately. I don't always like to beef. I'd rather things be just peachy. But it's not always that way, is it? Some days I'm cool as a cucumber and the next, I'm a hot tamale. It's all a part of who I am, I suppose. Some might say I want the whole enchilada but all I really want is contentment. I don't need to binge but I don't want to starve either. Isn't that what everybody wants? I think I deserve it. I consider myself to be a good egg. I've always heard that you can't make the omelet without breaking a few eggs, but seriously...how many does it take? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
In my salad days, I believed that too many cooks spoil the pot. Now it seems that I've jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. It always happens the same way. I approach every situation with caution, slip on the oven mitts and await what should be a sumptuous and satisfying meal. Sometimes I follow the recipe to a tee. Sometimes I wing it. Before long, I can't stand the heat and have to get out of the kitchen. This isn't some half baked idea, either. I've given this some thought and I don't need to be spoon fed. I know how the world works. But I don't need everyone to tell me that I'm the apple of their eye. Don't butter me up. And I can't stand to hear that comparing my situation to another is apples and oranges. That doesn't cut the mustard and it only rubs salt in the wound.
Honestly, I'm a bit of a surrealist residing between this world and that. There are no champagne wishes and caviar dreams dancing in my head. I have no burning desire to be two peas in pod with someone. Really, all I want is to bring home the bacon from a plum job. Writing can be my bread and butter while I figure everything else out. I may come across nutty as a fruitcake but I know what I want and more importantly- what I deserve. I tend to put all my eggs in one basket while they are out netting other fish in the sea. The forbidden fruit is supposedly the sweetest, but others may know that better than I do. I'm not hungry enough to take a bite. Rather than go bananas- perhaps I'll simply dine alone. It's been said that oatmeal is better than no meal. There may be some truth to that- but I'm not too chicken to stand by my convictions. If variety is the spice of life- I know a few who could benefit from a milder diet. Sooner or later, someone winds up eating Humble Pie. If you're not careful you can get chewed up and spit out. That, I know from experience. Everything that tastes good isn't good for you- and I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles. But we all need food like we need love, the way I see it. It sustains us. There's no alternative to it. That's it in a nutshell. Now...Lettuce pray.
"Eat little, sleep sound." ~Iranian Proverb
interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter.
Sorry. I don't tweet. Anymore.
This isn't about food at all. Delicious all the same.
Your wordplay is fantastic. Thanks alot...
Thank you, Lioness. ;-)
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