September 30, 2010

Farewell Tony

It seems a little ironic to me that today marks the 50th anniversary of The Flintstones and today, Tony Curtis passed away.  I say this because I can remember that the cartoon had their very own celebs in "Hollyrock" and Stony Curtis was one of them.  They drew his likeness to a tee.  Check it out.  Anyway, I can count on one hand how many Tony Curtis movies I've seen and have fingers to spare.  But I was always aware of him.  Recently, I got one of the best gifts anyone could give me...if anyone knows me. The book is Esquire's The Meaning of Life and in it comes one of the best interviews from Mr. Curtis.  He was candid.  He was sprightly.  He said that he and Marilyn Monroe fucked their heads off. You gotta love it. Eighty years old and not skipping a beat.  Eccentric! I like that in people. It gives me something to aspire to in old age rather than just worrying about  not having all my faculties some day.   He was Hollywood's pretty boy.  He played Harry Houdini. And he lived to a ripe old age where he felt well within his right to unapologetically say whatever was on his mind. He admitted that he wasn't there much for his children growing up and figured he could be a handsome man at ninety. Well sadly, he fell five years short of that but one cannot deny that he lead a full life. That's what it's about.

Wanna hear some poetry? Here's one I wrote: "You cannot ask a fish not to swim. It's the only thing that makes him him." -Tony Curtis

Don't I know it, Tony...

Rest in Peace.

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