The days, I mean.
A change of clothes in the trunk.
The clock set 8 minutes fast. (it helps a little)
Running between where I'm supposed to be
and where I'd rather not be.
My mind is tired.
Apartment hunting. Cold calls. No time. Rushed appointments.
And security deposits that might as well be a million dollars.
Fitful sleep stealing the few hours I have to myself.
Toss, turn, toss, turn. Alarm.
Do it all again.
Every minute of the day accounted for.
So the days have been.
Promising nothing but more of the same.
My bones are tired.
Who said it would be easy? Lie to me some more.
And I'll walk this walk alone.
Weeping is for weaklings.
It shouldn't be this way.
This was so powerful and sad. I hope you find center soon. <3
It gets Greater Later. Be easy and take in all the jewels, babes. It's a small thing to a giant such as yourself. Breath... People are recognizing & respecting it slowly but surely (no more last minute, after 5 work. So just take it in for what it's all worth and move with it, Bug. You're more than strong enough.
One Love n Prosperity.
you are writing the words on so manys heart and minds. We soldiers. You got it!!!!
@ Kari - Soon come, Cuz. Much love.
@ KG - The heart and spirit is willing. Thanks for the reminder.
@ PW - As we soldier on...
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