April 12, 2010

This Bug's Handguide to Disappointment

"If I could find a souvenir just to prove the world was here- And here is a red balloon. I think of you and let it go..." - 99 Red Balloons, Nena

Every day, on some scale- we all encounter disappointment. Whether it's minor, like the CD you've been 'jonesing for' being recently sold out or a best laid plan not coming to fruition by the expected deadline, we have all been there. But the important thing is that through disappointment, we can learn how to strengthen our resolve. Undoubtedly, it makes us wiser. At certain times, it causes us to go back and re-examine whether or not what we so hoped for was truly meant for us all. We can explore the possibilities of miscalculations, mistakes and setbacks with 20/20 hindsight.

Sometimes the fulfillment we sought may have be an illusion, while our reality is hard at work- plain as day for us to see. Or sometimes it means we should work even harder towards our endeavors. Ultimately, it is up to the individual and the goal at hand. A colossal disappointment should not diminish hope. Discouragement should never be nurtured to the point of complacency. Every obstacle you overcome brings you that much closer to the person you are constantly evolving into. These lessons should serve as tools to better understand our surroundings and ourselves.

A letdown can be taxing on your spirit. Anyone who ever went in for their dream job and never got a callback can attest to this. But as long as you know where you stand and where you plan to go from there- that same letdown will prove to be the necessary fuel to carry you on to where you are truly meant to be.

That being said, the universe and a greater power will always have a hand in what is happening, what is going to happen and decidedly what may never happen. The key is to respect that power while still handling your business. QB's crowning jewel of emcees once said, "He never planned to fail, he just failed to plan." Nasir Jones understands that without a blueprint, you are more inclined to be at the mercy of these elements and thus meet with your disappointment face to face.

So what can we do? We all like our own way, but think about it... if we each had it our own way, convexly, logic says that some of us would be required to not have it our way. Just think of it like this: When you get your way, there is someone out there enduring the adverse effect of your upswing. It is how the universe balances itself out. One man's failure is another man's success. It's best not to ruminate too long on who is gaining from your loss. It's up to you to decide what you will do from that point on, once faced with your reality. And this goes for any aspect of life. Sometimes conclusions have to be drawn and rationalizations have to be accepted. If you can't be with the one you love; love the one you're with. Sometimes it means the career path chosen may have to take a backseat while your back-up trade takes the wheel. As long as you know where you're headed, in the end you should be alright.

Missed chances and setbacks are a part of our lives. There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. It is what we do afterward that counts. Forget regrets or life is yours to miss.

That's the official two cents from the Ladybug.
Think Freely. Love Greatly. Live Unrepentantly.

Author's Note: Originally posted
5/6/2007 on Myspace
Photo Credit: Artwork by Banksy


Anonymous said...

No disrespect in quoting you again:

"Missed chances and setbacks are a part of our lives. There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. It is what we do afterward that counts. Forget regrets or life is yours to miss."

You wrote this 3 years ago?!? Wow!! The whole piece speaks to my soul. Excellent work!!

Jayne Neverow said...

Thank you, Anon. No disrespect taken. I always feel it when my readers extract a line that moves them.

Yeah, Dealing with Disappointment. A great lesson I learned from a very precarious time. Sometimes we need to revisit certain times and lessons so as not to repeat past mistakes and to put the future into perspective. It strengthens us for what lies ahead- knowing what is behind us.

Anonymous said...

Point Taken.

Think Freely. Love Greatly. Live Unrepentantly. (thumbs up!!)
