This is a rant. This Bug is conducting a rant from the Emergency Blogcast System. This is only a rant.
It always baffles me when people want what they are not willing to give in return. I had a conversation recently with a friend who knew a guy that was stressed over his woman leaving. He expected her to be there. Be loyal. Be that "Ride or Die" Chick while he was hemmed up. Which, I'm sure she was until the so-called 'Going got tough'. Meanwhile, she did it all. Held him down, took the lies and cheating, had his back like spinal cords all day-even though she knew what he was up to. This particular person was incarcerated, so of course the blow of this must have been that much harder. I sat there listening to my friend relay this dude's account of events and could not mask my disdain. I had zero sympathy. I don't like to paint things with such a broad brush but let's be real. In a world where men expect loyalty they really tend to come up short when the tables are turned. Since the majority of women spend time tirelessly giving themselves in a relationship, how is it that dudes are capable of doing so much dirt? I find it hard to believe that they would suddenly straighten up and fly right while that good woman is away- when they fly so crookedly while she's right there at his side. I watched fragments of Baby Boy the other day and could not get over how much he expected from his son's mother while he was trying to 'get it right'. Lying to her face, sleeping with other women, using her car- the list goes on. The minute he thought she was even interested in another dude, he hit the ceiling. What. The. F*ck. I'm sorry, but that's just something you have to charge to the game. Period. So for all the ladies out there- sick and tired of getting done wrong, just know that Free Will is a beautiful thing- and you should feel no guilt in pursuing your happiness. Chances are- he feels none while he's busy pursuing his. Eff dat. And if it seems worth it to ride, by all means, do your thing. Just make sure you do what's best for you above all else.
This was a rant from the Emergency Blogcast System. Had this been an actual emergency, further instructions would follow. This was only a rant. We now return to your regularly scheduled reading.
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