Yesterday, I made a concerted effort not to draw attention to the obvious. It was Sunday. The day after Christmas. Boxing Day. It means little to some- but to my father? Everything. 43 years they would have been married. When I spoke to him on the phone I made it a point not to mention their anniversary. For the better part of five years I wore her solid gold band on my left ring finger. Engraved inside are their initials and the date he first slipped that ring onto her finger. 26-12-67 She was a gorgeous bride- all ninety-nine pounds of her. She had a smile that was beckoning and all knowing. A smile that invited you to her mystique if you dared- but she never told her secrets. Her nails were always prettily manicured. Her attire and accessories looked as though they'd been handpicked by Anna Wintour. And when she first married my father she could only bake banana bread flawlessly. By the time she left, she was a better cook than he was. I was thirteen when she waded on to other waters. A part of me always knew we only had her for a time. She was so otherworldly. Always aware that there was an invisible world. She belonged somewhere between this world and that. A Pisces in the true sense. Wistful. A dreamer. Full of charm. A showstopper devoid of conceit. She was supportive and content to let others shine while she floated somewhere in the background. That was her glow. I was 10 years younger than her final year when I gave that ring back to my father to wear around his neck. It never seemed right for me to wear it. Not because my own marriage dissolved but because it wasn't placed on my hand with a fraction of the love that placed it on hers. Theirs is a timeless love. This is formy mother- who no longer swims in earthly waters but I feel her just the same.This is formy father. I peer through time portals and see a banner that reads: His wife was a mermaid. He is inconsolable. This is for Lady T. So ironic that on the anniversary of something so great, something that brought forth my very existence; another Pisces went swimming through heavenly waters. She was born one day before my beautiful mother and sang with a duality I know now is essentially theirs. Wild and Peaceful. This is for my own water sign love who just last night, gave me this song. Because of them I am ever grateful. Ever knowing. Ever loving. Thank God.
I like I like ....Rockit
Beautiful post! She is beautiful and amazing, interesting analogy to a mermaid. May her memory be blessed forever.
My humblest thank you to you both.
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