I do just about everything in heels. 3 and 1/2 inches or better. To the right is an actual photo of me changing a fuse for my niece quite comfortably in a pair of my signature stilettos.
Well lately I've been reconsidering flats for practical reasons. I stood for the better part of five hours in my trademark stilts the other day and was cursing the day I ever put them on. Why I was standing for that long is another entry. Anyway, I started kicking the idea of flats around. But there's only one problem. They suck. My friend suggested I take baby steps. A kitten heel. A kitten heel? Are you fuckin' kidding me? Unsexy.

How hideous is that shit? What is the point? I just can't do it. So I might as well step all the way down to those ballet slippery thingees. But when I looked into those I was only turned off more. There is something about heels that compliments my ankles, my calves and my runway walk that I can't resist breaking into when I'm faced with a long corridor. It's not entirely my fault, either. This Bug happens to have a considerable arch in her foot. My feet need to be on an incline. Where most people would be pained wearing heels, flat shoes tend to bother my instep after a while. And they just look plain awful. I'm sure there are some women out there that can make a flat shoe look fabulous. I'm just not one of them. When I made this point to her she then asked me a very valid question. "You want hip replacement surgery like Prince?" It gave me pause. I vaguely recall the Purple One needing an operation some time back- but I always charged that to the endless splits he did during his electrifying performances. The fact that he rocked heels for the past 20 plus years contributing to the problem never occurred to me. I don't want no damn hip surgery. Ever. So this weekend I'm going shopping for some more (gulp) pragmatic albeit matronly footwear. Pray for me. I may need a chaperone. You know, just to make sure I don't come back home with these...

u are crazy!!!!!!....U better listen to ur frend, babe>>.....I heard that Clogs was taking off the shelf b/c it tilted women uterus'. Anyhow, post this on FB....I'm gonna let my cuz weigh in on this too.......wuteva tho....you fly!!!!
ttystl....OWWWWWWW!!!! haha.....lol>>>>KIE!
What the hell are those on her feet in the last picture? They look like walkers for her feet! Maybe if she was about 80 years old trying to look sexy for her 90 year husband who didn't want to use Viagra might those shoes be relevant. And what's up with dude's shoes. Maybe you need to write about the type of shoe game a dude needs in order to stay on point as well. Because those shoes and them high water pants ain't making the grade!
I'm a shoe freak as well. I stare at my heels longingly and wonder when I will be able to wear them again (after my foot surgery.)
The good news is twofold:
A. Kitten heels are very much in style this season plus they're perfect for standing for long periods of time.
B. If you put inserts (scholl's) into flats, it will imirate the arch in your foot.
I hate flats too but I own a few pairs anyway.
I'm just noticing the eagle talon on her left big toe...Yuck!
i am a (sigh) flats kinda girl. dont get me wrong cuz i can rock a pair of heels from time to time BUT im in flats 70% of the time
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