I'm sick of cars that don't do what they're supposed to. I'm sick of people talking when they should just shut the fuck up and listen. I'm tired of parting with hard earned money when unavoidable misfortunes arise. While we're at it, I'm tired of seemingly well meaning old ladies who I can't trust as far as I can spit. Just because I'm new on the job doesn't make me wet behind the ears with corporate politricks. I'm sick of phony bitches telling me I look cute but could cut me with the side eye they give as the compliment is delivered. I hate Moby even though he hasn't made a song to annoy me in over two years. I'm sick of not having enough time, money and energy to
not do what I want. And if one more asshole insists that I take his number anyway even after I tell him I'm not interested- I just might get myself arrested. Well, I'm too busy biting the heads off baby bunny rabbits right now. Come back when I have something constructive to say.
This Bug
Don't let it mess with your Qi, Those same obstacles come daily in many different forms...Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
It was a worse day if you can believe it, Anon. Just looking to put it all behind me. Thanks for the kind words.
i understand how u feel just take it easy. those who anger u control u. look fwd to a better day
(dont pop a blood vessel)
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