Dude was cool. A bit strange though. Weird, if you may. An enigma even. Now that I reflect on it I could sense that his spirit was exhausted or maybe frustrated like he was over his Earth visit and ready for the next chamber. Even then his days were numbered. But aren't all of ours. Bless Baatin! - via Facebook
There's always one in the group. The one who is different. Just slightly off center. They can't help but stand out. When I heard about Baatin from Slum Village passing away, I immediately thought of my favorite line of his from Fall In Love. "F*ck this rap sh*t. I listen to classical." It seemed to embody how removed he was from all things worldly or tangible. He had a Hip-Hop soul... and his wasn't for sale. It's most apparent in the video for Tainted. It saddens me that he battled with demons of a mental sort. But I've always said that most genius is touched with a bit of madness. I truly believe those who appear troubled or unstable simply operate on a different frequency than most of us. I remember learning that he left SV to concentrate on getting healthier- and in the interim the group wasn't the same without him. They were missing something. His eccentric and honest delivery, his trademark turban, his refusal to assimilate to the industry bullsh*t. Without him, Slum Village became average to me. To first lose J Dilla and then Baatin must be an incredible loss to the remaining group members. My heart goes out to them. A loss in the Hop Hop world is felt tremendously because of how important true contributions are. Like the GZA said, "This language is so captivating...When we lose a rap n*gga, the news is devastating." The beginning quote is by one of my old childhood friends who had the honor of working with Baatin some years ago. It was so genuine that I had to repost it. None of us are promised another day here and I don't believe our work is done when the spirit goes back to the essence. It's just that it can no longer be housed in the body when it's time to move on. Perhaps Baatin knew just when that new journey was to begin in another world. At least he left the earthlings with some incredible music. I'll miss him.
Ay, it's like a ritual
You been invited. Let the mortal body stimulate the place
With the grace, nevertheless, I stress
Let the music put a smile on your face
As for the ritual, when it comes to spiritual excellence
You know I always leave you with the taste.
I know you like it hard to the core.
That's what you ask for, you achin' for the best
Hurtin' like a sore. It's like a ritual.
Conversation with the Most High make you wanna cry.
I wonder why, you wanna get to paradise
But that itty bitty part of you don't wanna die.
So pay attention to my word, cuz it's the truth.
Meditation ease the mind, and brings the youth
It's like a verse you could never read out of a book.
Droppin' the line in your mind like a fish hook.
Word is birth, yo I do it till the break of day
Pay attention to your art, never go astray.
Word is bond. - Thelonious by Common ft. Slum Village
1 comment:
A beautiful mind...
Hugs and Mocha,
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