August 10, 2010

10 Items or Less

I can't be the only one who's guilty of it. You run to the grocery store for a few things. You're convinced you don't even need a basket. Before you know it, you've stashed more than a few things in a cart abandoned by one of the aisles. Now it's time to pay. You hop on the Express line. The sign above clearly reads: 10 Items or Less. So what if you have...I dunno...twelvish or so things on the conveyor belt? If worse comes to worst- you can put back two of those yogurts, right? Wrong.

Not if you're on the line in the movie 10 Items or Less and Scarlett is the one ringing you up. The woman does not play. I first caught this film last year on a whim on Cable. It stars Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega and it's a wonderful film about people, life and the things that we can and can't do without. This is one of those flicks that makes you step back and reevaluate what counts and what shouldn't. One of my faves, for sure. Plus, it stars Mr. Freeman...who bears an uncanny resemblence to my father, who I adore. If I ever meet that man, I'll probably call him Dad. Anyway, rent it. It's worth it. Rock on.


Anonymous said...

I've never seen or heard about this money and it looks too funny. Gotta find it and watch it ASAP...that coming from a woman who rarely watches anything other than SpongeBob and Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits on dvd (blame it on my son)

Jayne Neverow said...

It is funny! And thought-provoking. Check it out and let me know what you think.

And uh...Stop blaming your Sponge Bob fixation on your son. I watch Finding Nemo regularly with no kids in the vicinity. Show no shame. ;-)

Mr. Sand Man said...

What happened to your recent post? The dream? I like dream interpretations. How in unconscious rest a person may gain understanding of their conscious life. Well, keep on paying attention to them. They're usually on point for the most part depending on the interpreter and how close to sleep you were when you ate that carrot cake with the vanilla frosting. lol. Dream well, Bug.

Anonymous said...

LOL I'm not blaming for the cartoons, just the lack of diversity. I mean can't a girl get some scooby doo or open season??

Anonymous said...

LOL I'm not blaming for the cartoons, just the lack of diversity. I mean can't a girl get some scooby doo or open season??