Amy Jade Winehouse
Sunrise: September 14, 1983 Sunset: July 23, 2011
There's something to be said about knowing that a tragic end is coming. It's one of those inevitable things that you don't want to be right about. Amy Winehouse is gone. Was I surprised? Not entirely. Was I hit in the heart by the news? Absolutely. Because knowing someone will go eventually doesn't make it hurt any less. Because Amy's Back to Black album nursed me through one of the most difficult times of my adulthood. Because for all the naysayers and mudslinging she remained to me, an unpolished diamond worth a hundred times more than the rhinestone pop stars who dotted the charts. Ms. Winehouse wrote and sang from a broken place that longed for healing. She was pissed. She was tired. She was indignant. She was vulnerable. She was me- sans the battles with alcohol and substance abuse. But to say I haven't come close to the edge and heard ominous pebbles kicked down a scary cliff before I caught myself would be untrue. I identified with that in her. That- and not wanting to fuck myself in the head with stupid men. She was honest and unabashed in her music. Her flaws made her priceless but sadly, a prime entrée for the media feeding frenzy. I'll miss her big beehive hairdo. The tough girl tattoos. The wantonly applied eye make-up that made her face like hard candy- bad for you, but still so sweet. Mostly, I'll miss knowing her haunting voice which sang my own truth when words eluded me is still among us. She's gone but her music is here to stay. It stayed with me and will for all time. I can only hope she has in death what seemed unattainable for her in life; some peace from all inward and outward demons. As my brother-from-another put it, "She was family to my family." So the loss is felt that much more. Just for her I'll pour a neat shot of Vodka into a chilled glass and go back to black, if only for a moment.
Rest in Paradise, Ms. Winehouse.
nicely said.
- brown
I cannot thank you enough for putting into words what has been bugging me & pulling at my heart strings since hearing of her passing on Saturday while booking my flight to NY. I was actually to say the least shocked & can say mostly heartbroken. I so wished for her comeback as you said so eloquently in this article. I too felt her pain & anger & pissed-off-ness. Only didn't quit know how to express it. Her voice & musicality touches my soul in a way that I simply could not put into words. So I thank you deeply for expressing it for me. I get it, I got her & yes God knows this jewel is finally resting in peace. I thank her for Back to Black & Frank. I am so blessed to have a friend to lead me to this post, Thank you Kie. My brother from another mother...I love you & I thank you...Rest In Peace Ms. Winehouse To you Jayne Neverow, I share your expression in this article / post 100% God Bless, this was FANTASTIC...
Thank you, Brown. It had to be said.
@ Queen- Wow. I'm thankful you were steered this way and can feel me on my words of respect and reverence. It seems I'm not the only one who was touched by Ms. Winehouse. Her struggle and her music was always felt on my end. Reading your comment, I noticed that you yourself have a way with words. I'm actually not surprised at all considering that your brother-from-another told me who you share blood with; the legendary Gil Scott. You are a writer effortlessly. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and share your words. It means a lot to This Bug. Much respect, Queen.
Was, is and will always be one of my most favorite singers. One of the only contemporary female vocalists that have caused me to cry because every cell in my body is in vibe with every word, phrase, emotion she uttered. Very lovely post to her memory
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