There's no such thing as catching up when it feels like not a day has passed. Not with him. He's not unfamiliar with judgments. He just never cared to dole them out or let them stick. It's not to say he hasn't been called everything but a child of God. He has; simply for living his life how he saw fit. But still, he is one. Underground the sounds of the E train occasionally drowned out his sentences- but never once his sincerity. He looked weary but not worn. A resolute certainty replaced the whimsical look I've grown to know in his eyes. "I fucked up." The words came from a proverbial punched gut on the mend and for an instant- they sounded like my own truth. No more crestfallen than I was when it all happened to me on opposite sides; in parallel universes. A similar collapse in a different time. But it was my time to listen. And I did. I owe him that much after years of spilling tears into my cup of International coffee and his open ear. After years of overflowing ashtrays and heartbreaking songs on repeat. But he never judged me. Not once. And when he admonished me, it was from a place of such genuine love that I was better for it. Always. We stood there on that platform doused in separate antidotes of saki and sangria, years wiser but still so young. Still vulnerable and imperfect. Still brother and sister despite lack of DNA and regional closeness. I heard every word as I studied the flecks of gray in his goatee. My own wiry grays quietly outlining my freshly washed mane. I used to joke and say, "Quick! Smell my hair!" He never would, as big brothers don't do that sort of thing. He couldn't be caught off-guard. Once though, when there was nothing left to do but hold me close as I broke down- he told me this was a fucked up way to get him to finally smell my hair. His plan worked and I burst into laughter. It doesn't seem that long ago. Now we both have strains of gray. Shit.. when did we get so old? When did the problems become so real? As his train roared in there was so much I had to say. That time is the healthiest elixir, no matter how bitter. That it was okay to lose it after holding it together for so damn long. That these things tend to work themselves out. That I love him- pure and simple. Instead I looked at him and said, "Atlas shrugged." He agreed. And as we walked our ways from a rushed goodbye- he seemed lighter. We seemed lighter. Unburdened, at least for the moment.
"And tell me, in the world have you been?"
This Bug, I'm really loving your blog. I'm following you this instant. I'm newbie when it come to blogging, so it would be great if you could offer me some advice.
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Le'Shawn, I'm not sure how you stumbled upon This Bug's Life but I welcome all readership and feedback so Thank you kindly. I saw yours as well. Some good stuff on there.
I have no real advice to give except this: Write what you feel. Simple and plain. If you don't feel it, don't post it. Share what means something to you. Pics, videos, etc. Few things are as fulfilling as self expression. Keep it genuine and the readership and loyalty will build on its own.
This Bug, I'm really loving your blog. I'm following you this instant. I'm newbie when it come to blogging, so it would be great if you could offer me some advice.
Here is my blog's url:
Le'Shawn, I'm not sure how you stumbled upon This Bug's Life but I welcome all readership and feedback so Thank you kindly. I saw yours as well. Some good stuff on there.
I have no real advice to give except this: Write what you feel. Simple and plain. If you don't feel it, don't post it. Share what means something to you. Pics, videos, etc. Few things are as fulfilling as self expression. Keep it genuine and the readership and loyalty will build on its own.
Keep posting and I'll keep reading.
Blog on. :)
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