"Don't get down about the blog, its powered by your life, go live it then come back to your writings."
I stared at my screen, reading those words and blinked back tears at my job just a few days ago. I was lamenting via email to a friend that I've been all over the place mentally and emotionally, and that my blog was suffering. Those words came right on time. A friendly reminder that This Bug's Life is my own. That I shouldn't pressure myself to write if I don't feel moved to do so. It has to come from a genuine place and I understand that now more than ever. So for those of you who have stopped by to see what has transpired lately, just know that This Bug's Life is being lived and I'll be around to relay all the naughty, sordid, hilarious or mundane details in a few. In the meantime, check out my archives of blogs gone by. They are my prized possessions that I shared ever so lovingly with all of you. That should hold you over for a spell. Deuces.

1 comment:
That must be a mighty good meal, Bug!...=-)))))....Where U at, mum? We misss ya...
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